Villages Honor Flight Photo/Video Team

Villages Honor Flight (VHF) is part of the National Honor Flight Network, a national network comprised of over 124 independent Hubs. We have monthly meetings at Rohan Recreation Center on the first Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30pm. We have four flights each year to take 65 veterans per flight to Washington DC to show them our nation’s capital and give them the honor they deserve. In addition we have one flightless mission per year for those unable to make the trip to Washington. Participation in an Honor Flight trip gives veterans the opportunity to share this momentous occasion with other comrades, to remember friends and comrades lost, and share their stories and experiences with other veterans. 



The role of the Villages Honor Flight Photo/Video team is to capture and archive the memories of all VHF events, including mission pre-flights, flights to Washington DC, flightless missions, and various fundraisers and community events.

For more information about joining the Photo/Video team send an email to:

Remember Volunteers are the lifeblood of Villages Honor Flight!  As a 501 (c )(3) non-profit organization, there are a lot of opportunities where you can help.

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE VETS, and it is extremely rewarding to see the appreciation on their faces.

We appreciate volunteers more than we can say.